

5.暗度陈仓①àn dù chén cāng①陈仓:古县名,在今陕西省宝鸡市东,是通向汉中的交通要道。【出处】《三十六计》第八计:示之以动,利其静而有主,益动而巽[1]。《史记·高祖本记》卷八:“八月,汉王用韩信之计,从故道还,袭雍王章邯。邯迎击汉陈仓,雍兵败……”...


àn dù chén cāng





A Disguised Action for Confusing the Enemy

5.A Disguised Action for Confusing the Enemy

【Idiomatic Story】 During the last years of the Qin Dynasty,uprisings continuously broke out against the corrupt administration and cruelty of the government.At that time,LIU Bang and XIANG Yu were two leaders of the powerful force of the uprisings.LIU Bang led his troops occupied Guanzhong precedingly,and he also prepared to launch an attack onto Xianyang,the capital of the Qin Dynasty.XIANG Yu with his men came to Guanzhong succedently,and he wanted to drive Liu Bang away from Guanzhong.

One day,LIU Bang was invited to attend a banquet held by XIANG Yu,which was called Hongmen Banquet[2]in history.During the banquet,XIANG Yu wanted to find a chance to kill LIU Bang.And fortunately,LIU Bang escaped from the dangerous situation at last.

After the banquet,LIU Bang had to retreat to Hanzhong based on the analysis of the situation.But LIU Bang never gave up the plan to defeat XIANG Yu completely and unite the nation.In order to puzzle XIANG Yu,LIU Bang purposefully burned down the only plank road along the cliffs between Hanzhong and Guanzhong to show that he would never return to Guanzhong.

In 206 BC,LIU Bang had become more powerful,so he decided to send HAN Xin to lead troops for an eastward expedition.Before the expedition,HAN Xin ordered his soldiers to repair the burnt plank road.It seemed they intended to recapture Guanzhong.When the garrison troops in Guanzhong got the news,they kept a close watch on the process of the plank road repair action,and they also arranged massive force to take strict precautions against the enemy at all the pivotal passes.

As expected,HAN Xin found his strategic plan had successfully misled the enemy to the plank road.So HAN Xin ordered his troops to bypass Chencang and launch a sudden attack.At last,the enemy suffered a crushing defeat.It was a resounding victory which helped LIU Bang take a significant step to unite the nation.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means to do something openly to attract the attention of the enemy or opponent for a secret action.It is often used to refer to the unveiled action covering up a sudden and stealthy attack by puzzling or confusing the enemy or opponent.



[2]Hongmen Banquet:a Banquet for LIU Bang held by XIANG Yu intentionally to kill LIU Bang.It is so called in history due to the place for holding the Banquet was named as Hongmen.
