

15.趁火打劫chèn huǒ dǎ jié【出处】《三十六计》第五计:敌之害[1]大,就势取利,刚决柔...


chèn huǒ dǎ jié




To Profit from the Misfortunes

15.To Profit from the Misfortunes

【Idiomatic Story】During the Spring and Autumn period,wars for the dominant position between the Wu Kingdom and the Yue Kingdom continually had lasted for years.Wars had consumed much of the power of the kingdoms.And the wars competing for hegemony resulted in failure of the Yue Kingdom,and the King of the Yue Kingdom was detained in the Wu Kingdom.Though GOU Jian,the King of the Yue Kingdom,had lost his freedom,he never gave up the idea of struggling and made up his mind to reconstruct his kingdom.

GOU Jian secretly made plans and designs for reconstructing his kingdom.In order to win the trust of FU Chai,the King of the Wu Kingdom,he pretended to be weak and yielding.Finally he was released by FU Chai and returned to his own country.

After going back to his own country,GOU Jian still pretended to be obeisant to the Wu Kingdom by offering valuable tributes every year in order to make Fu Chai off his guard on the Yue Kingdom.Meanwhile,GOU Jian took measures to strengthen his kingdom in economy and armed force.

A few years later,the Yue Kingdom had become much stronger both in economy and army,and the people lived a rich and peaceful life.However,FU Chai still indulged himself in the past victory over the Yue Kingdom and was fooled by what GOU Jian did as a loser,so FU Chai kept looking down upon GOU Jian and his kingdom.He was negligent of his political affairs but to seek pleasures.He ignored the good counsels but to follow the flattery words,and killed the loyal officials like General WU Zi-xu but to trust those sycophants.All these had resulted in the decrease of his kingdom in economy and army,which had aroused the complaints of his people.

In 473 BC,GOU Jian commanded his army to launch a large scale of attack on the Wu Kingdom by taking the opportunity of FU Chai's outing.Consequently,the Wu Kingdom was completely defeated because of its weakness.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means that the one who grabed the property or belongings of someone who suffered a fire disaster.Now it is often used to refer to those who take the favorable chance of others do something improper only for their own benefits.



