

32.楚材晋用chǔ cái jìn yòng【出处】《左传·襄公二十六年》:“晋卿不如楚,其大夫则贤,皆卿材也。如杞梓、皮革,自楚往也。虽楚有材,晋实用之。”《周书·儒林传·沈重传》:“而楚材晋用,岂无先哲?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三十回:“我花了钱,教出了人,却叫外国人去用,这才是楚材晋用呢!”【成语故事】楚国有位著名的大夫名叫伍举。有一次,他的岳父因...


chǔ cái jìn yòng




To Attract and Employ the Foreign Elites

32.To Attract and Employ the Foreign Elites

【Idiomatic Story】In the Spring and Autumn period,there was a senior official named WU Ju in the Chu State.One day,his father-in-law broke the law and successfully escaped.Then he was doubted as the secret messenger.He prepared to leave his homeland the Chu State for the neighboring Jin State with his family because he was worried about being punished by the King of the Chu State for the rumor.

On his way of escaping,WU Ju ran into his old acquaintance Sheng-Zi who was the scholar-bureaucrat of the Cai State.Sheng-Zi was also for the Jin State on a diplomatic mission.

Sheng Zi felt indignant when he learned WU Ju's story.He told WU Ju,“You can seek sheltering in the Jin State for a period of time.I will help you return to your homeland as soon as possible.”

WU Ju followed Sheng-Zi to the Jin State with his family.Soon afterwards Sheng-Zi went to the Chu State especially for the matter of Wu Ju.The chancellor of the Chu State named Mu-zi interviewed Sheng-Zi.He asked Sheng-Zi,“Comparing the scholar-bureaucrat of the Chu State with that of the Jin State,who is more superior?”

Sheng-Zi replied,“Comparing with the Chu State,there are less talents in the Jin State and many of them are elite talents.However,many of them are natives of the Chu State.They left the Chu State for the Jin State because they were not valued.That's to say,many talents of the Chu State have been attracted and employed by the Jin State.”He continued,“The talents can not be valued in the Chu State,thus the talents have outflowed to other States.We know that the Chu troops had been defeated by the Jin troops for several times in the mutual confrontation wars.What's the cause? The cause lies in the strategic plans made by the talent from the Chu State.”

Upon hearing what Sheng-Zi said,Mu-zi thought it was reasonable and felt to have been enlightened.

Sheng-Zi kept on saying,“I heard WU Ju was cast the blame on and also escaped to the Jin State.It should be another great loss for the Chu State.”

Mu-zi quite approved what Sheng-Zi said.He advised the King of the Chu State to meet WU Ju returning home with efforts.And they finally got WU Ju back to serve for the Chu State again by reinstating his former position.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means that the talents or elites of the Chu Kingdom leave their homeland for the neighboring Jin Kingdom as fugitive emigrants and work for the exotic nation which has become more powerful with their devotions.Now it is often used to refer to the talents or elites who are forced to leave their native place to work for the non-native boss or nation.It is also used to refer to making good use of foreign talents or elites for the development of one's own nation or corporation.
