

2.打草惊蛇dǎ cǎo jīng shé【出处】《三十六计》第十三计:疑为叩实,察而后动,复者,阴之媒也。[1]宋代郑文宝《南唐近事》:“鲁乃判曰:‘汝虽打草,吾已蛇惊。’”【成语故事】唐朝年间,有一个名叫王鲁的衙门官员,他常常不能约束自己,不能自觉遵守法律法规,随意收受别人的贿赂。有一天,有一百姓到衙门递了一张状纸,控告王鲁的部下违反法纪、接受贿赂等种种...


dǎ cǎo jīng shé




To Beat the Grass for Alarming the Snake

2.To Beat the Grass for Alarming the Snake

【Idiomatic Story】In the Tang Dynasty,there was an official from a Yamen[2]named WANG Lu.However,he often disobeyed the laws and regulations.For example,he often accepted bribes from others at will.All the ordinary people there had complained against him but dared not say anything.One day,a man lodged a written complaint to the Yamen,accusing WANG Lu's underlings of their misdeeds,such as disobeying the laws and regulations,accepting bribes from others and so on.Later,the man's written complaint was submitted to WANG Lu.While reading the pleading,WANG Lu was greatly shocked by the list of misdeeds which were exactly the same thing as he did in his daily life.“Good Heavens,isn't he charging me? Have the plaintiff noticed my illegal behaviors?” he thought.Then WANG Lu became more and more scared,and totally forgot what to write on with his trembling hands.Surprisingly,he couldn't help writing down this line,“Though you just beat the grass,the snake in the grass has been startled.” Actually,the socalled “snake” was WANG Lu himself,he was greatly alarmed by the written complaint.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means the snake in grass was startled when someone beats the grass.It is used to mean that the intentional punishment to someone for doing something wrong is to warn others who have the same ideas or plan to do the same thing.Now it also implies the reckless or rash behaviors by some people caused the alertness of their opponents.



[2]Yamen:a governmental institution for dealing with local civic affairs in ancient China.
