

6.隔岸观火gé àn guān huǒ【出处】《三十六计》第九计:阳[1]乖...


gé àn guān huǒ




To Wait for the Favorable Opportunity

6.To Wait for the Favorable Opportunity

【Idiomatic Story】In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty,the warlord YUAN Shao was killed in the battle against another warlord CAO Cao.Two sons of YUAN Shao named YUAN Shang and YUAN Xi were still alive.CAO Cao worried the two sons of Yuan Shao would become the hindrance of him in the way to unite the nation.So he decided to kill them at a proper time.At that time,YUAN Shang and YUAN Xi had turned to the warlord WU Huan for shelter,so CAO Cao declared a war on WU Huan and finally defeated him.Then,YUAN Shang and YUAN Xi sought shelter from another warlord GONG-SUN Kang.

Someone proposed to take advantage of the favorable situation to attack GONG-SUN Kang immediately for killing YUAN Shang and YUAN Xi.However,CAO Cao laughed to refuse the proposition and said,“No further action needed.GONG-SUN Kang will kill them and present their heads to me soon.” CAO Cao ordered to return to Xuchang waiting for the good news.

GONG-SUN Kang learned YUAN Shang and YUAN Xi came to him for shelter,but he could not dissipate his suspicion.He thought to himself,“The YUAN's family had been longing for this land I have.Now they have been defeated by CAO Cao and find no way to go,so they come to me for shelter.It will be a future trouble or disaster for me if I take them in.Moreover,it will also infuriate CAO Cao,the powerful warlord.” Then he turned to the second thoughts,“I have to unite with YUAN Shang and YUAN Xi for the resistance if CAO Cao launches the attack.”

Later,GONG-SUN Kang learned that CAO Cao had returned to Xuchang without any intention of attacking him,so he thought it would have much more harms than benefits if he took in the two brothers.He finally decided to kill them for fear of getting into trouble.He arranged to meet the two brothers with some soldiers waiting in ambush.When them arrived,GONG-SUN Kang ordered to catch them and chopped off their heads,and delivered them to CAO Cao at once.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means that the one does nothing but looks on a fire disaster as a non-participant and offers no help.Now it often used to refer to those who are indifferent to offering any help when they find someone in trouble,with the “wait-andsee” attitude,they also expect to get some profit from that.






