

19.浑水①摸鱼hún shuǐ mō yú①浑水:不清的水。【出处】《三十六计》第二十计:乘其阴乱[1],利其弱而无主。随...


hún shuǐ mō yú





To Fish in the Troubled Waters

19.To Fish in the Troubled Waters

【Idiomatic Story】In the years of Kai-yuan of the Tang Dynasty,the Khitans continually infested the northern border of the Tang Empire.At that time,it was ZHANG Shougui,the regional military governor of You-zhou,who undertook the mission of stopping the intrusions of the Khitans.

A Khitan general KE Tu-gan commanded the Khitan troops to attack the You-zhou city,he failed though he tried for several times.So he pretended to make peace with the You-zhou garrison troops of the Tang Empire.

Knowing well what KE Tu-gan wanted to do,ZHANG Shougui decided to beat KE Tu-gan at his own game.So he sent his subordinate officer WANG Hui to go to the Khitan camp for detecting the truth of peace-making and the military arrangement of the Khitan troops under the disguise of conveying the imperial edict.

WANG Hui learned that KE Tu-gan was immiscible with his subordinate officers and especially was on bad terms with the vice commander named LI Guo-zhe.WANG Hui tried to contact LI Guo-zhe secretly and learned LI Guo-zhe was against the besetting military act of KE Tu-gan.WANG Hui seized the opportunity to persuade LI Guo-zhe turning over to serve for the Tang Empire by promising him of generous rewards.

Finishing the mission successfully,WANG Hui went back to You-zhou.LI Guo-zhe launched a sudden attack onto the Khitan troops the following day and killed the chief commander KE Tu-gan.LI Li,one of the loyal subordinate officers of KE Tu-gan,commanded his men to go into a fierce battle against LI Guo-zhe.LI Guo-zhe was killed in the battle.

Getting the news of the internal conflicts of the Khitan troops,ZHANG Shougui immediately led his troops charged into the camps of the Khitan troops,the Khitan troops were completely defeated and LI Li was captured.From then on,the border areas became peaceful and stable again.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means to muddle the water in the pool for making the fish dizzy,and then to catch them with little efforts.Now it is often used to refer to making civil strife of the enemy or the opponent in order to gain some benefits from the disordered situations.





