

21.假途伐虢①jiǎ tú fá guó①虢:春秋时期一个诸侯国的国名。【出处】《三十六计》第二十四计:两大之间,敌胁以从[1],我假以势...


jiǎ tú fá guó





To Offer Timely Help to Weak Friend

21.To Offer Timely Help to Weak Friend

【Idiomatic Story】During the Spring and Autumn period,there was a senior official named XUN Xi in the Jin State.In 658 BC,XUN Xi advised the Monarch Xian-gong of the Jin State to offer the eminent horses and precious jades produced in the Jin State to the Monarch of the Yu State for an inoffensive passage to attack the Guo State.But the Monarch Xiangong seemed hesitant and said,“The horse and the jade are the valuable rarities of our State.” XUN Xi responded,“Your Majesty,we will only make these precious treasures stored in the Yu State for a passage to attack the Guo State.They are still ours and we will get them back someday.”Monarch Xian-gong thought for a while and said,“There is a loyal chancellor named GONG Zhi-qi in the Yu State,he will definitely prevent the Monarch of the Yu State from approving our request for an inoffensive passage.” XUN Xi said,“GONG Zhi-qi is quite a coward.He will not urge the Monarch and the Monarch know well about GONG Zhi-qi of his cowardliness.The Monarch will refuse to follow GONG Zhi-qi's persuasion.”

Then XUN Xi was sent to the Yu State on a diplomatic mission.Upon arriving at the Yu State,XUN Xi paid a formal visit to the Monarch with the gift.He said to the Monarch,“Your Majesty,your State had suffered the invasion of the Ji State.They had occupied your signories of the Dian-ling and Ming-di in succession.You have completely defeated the Ji State at last and have got back these signories under your decisive leadership.Now we meet the same situation,the Guo State often invaded the southern border of our State.We know Your Majesty is very kind and generous,so we ask for your approval to offer us an inoffensive passage to the Guo State for the military mission.”

The Monarch was quite pleased and moved by the flattery words of XUN Xi and gladly approved to offer the passage.Furthermore,the Monarch promised to offer help to attack the Guo State with an army.GONG Zhi-qi did not agree to offer the passage,so he showed his strong objection and tried his best to stop the Monarch,but all are in vain because the Monarch completely ignored his persuasion.

Later in the summer,General LI Ke with XUN Xi commanded the armed force to launch an attack on the Guo State with the assistance of the army of the Yu State.The city Xia-yang of the Guo State was soon captured.Three years later,the Guo State was captured by the Jin State.And the Monarch of the Guo State went to Luo-yang as a fugitive for shelter.On the way back,the army of the Jin State were stationed in the Yu State.They launched a sudden attack onto the defenseless Yu State and it was soon occupied.At last,the Yu State had suffered the same fate as its neighbor.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means to attack the enemy or conquer the distant nation by an inoffensive passage of a neighboring country.Now it is used to refer to offering timely help to back up the weak friend or partner when it is threatened by a strong opponent or enemy in order to strengthen and expand the power or influence.








