

13.借刀杀人jiè dāo shā rén【出处】《三十六计》第三计:敌已明,友未定,引友杀敌,不出自力,以损推演。清代刘鹗《老残游记》第五回:“我当初恨他报案,毁了我两个弟兄,所以用个‘借刀杀人’的法子,让他家吃几个月官事,不怕不毁他一两千吊钱。”【成语故事】战国时期,有一位著名的游说家名叫苏秦。他回到燕国后,年轻守寡的文夫人(也就是燕易王的母亲)偏偏看...


jiè dāo shā rén




To Get Rid of the Adversary by Others

13.To Get Rid of the Adversary by Others

【Idiomatic Story】During the Warring States period,there lived a famous lobbyist named SU Qin.He encountered the young widow Lady WEN[1]after he returned to the Yan State.Lady WEN was much attracted by the masterminded SU Qin and fell in love with him.Afterwards,they began to meet secretly.However,SU Qin always worried to be detected by the king and to be punished to death at last.Therefore,he decided to leave the Yan State for the Qi State in order to break off relation with Lady WEN.One day,he told the King of the Yan State he was willing to go to the Qi State to sow discord among the officials in the Qi State.He was approved by the king soon.So he made preparation at once and left hurriedly for the Qi State.

SU Qin was much respected and appreciated for his talent by the King Xuan and King Min of in succession after he came to the Qi State.The king thought very high of him.However,he was much envied or even hated by some ministers and officials in the Qi State.One day,the king selected and adopted the proposal of MENG Chang-jun instead that of Su Qin.And the fact had proved that the proposal of MENG Chang-jun worked quite well.From then on,MENG Chang-jun was highly respected and valued by the king.Those ministers and officials who envied or even hated SU Qin thought that Su Qin would never be valued by the king.One day,they sent a professional assassin to kill SU Qin at the royal court.SU Qin was stabbed by the assassin and suffered serious injuries.The king ordered to catch the killer but the assassin had escaped.SU Qin was deadly wounded,and he knew he was dying,so he asked the king for a request in a very weak voice,“Your Majesty,I know I am dying.Can you give me a promise? After my death,please hang my head on the city wall and declare the news publicly that I came to the State Qi for sowing discord,and you will offer a reward with much money for the one who killed me.You can arrest the one who comes to get the reward.He must be the killer.” The king nodded for approval.After finishing these words,SU Qin died.

Within the consideration,the assassin was fooled to get the reward.He was arrested at once.The murderer confessed those masterminds who directed him behind the scene.The King of the Qi State finally killed those instigators with the murderer.In such a way,SU Qin had finally taken his revenge on the murderer by the hands of the King of the Qi State.

【Implied Meaning】 It originally means to make one's adversary become the enemy or adversary of others,and get rid of the adversary by others for the revenge or removing the obstacles of oneself.Now it is often used to refer to getting rid of the opponents by others without any efforts of himself as the front man.


[1]Lady WEN:the mother of the King Yi of the Yan State.
