

25.借尸还魂jiè shī huán hún【出处】《三十六计》第十四计:有用者,不可借,不能用者,求借,借不能用者而用之。匪[1]我求童蒙...


jiè shī huán hún




To Revive in a New Guise

25.To Revive in a New Guise

【Idiomatic Story】There happened a famous battle named Chi-bi Campaign in the Three Kingdoms period.LIU Bei and his Group became more powerful after the battle.However,he was still weak compared to the CAO Cao Group at the time.Si-chuan was targeted by the CAO Cao Group in the north and the SUN Quan Group in the south because Si-chuan was considered as the Promised Land with fertile land,strategic position and rich in natural resources.

The CAO Cao Group had made up their mind to unify the central plains area,so he and his group had played the restraining function to the SUN Quan Group in the south.Both the CAO Cao Group and the SUN Quan Group could not attack and seize Si-chuan.

In 215 AD,LIU Zhang group stationed in Yi-zhou of Sichuan was in the trouble of internal strife for power,so LIU Zhang was in terror of being attacked by CAO Cao Group.Therefore,he thought of inviting his clan brother LIU Bei to station in Si-chuan for the joint defense against the CAO Cao Group.

Upon receiving the invitation of LIU Zhang,LIU Bei was quite pleased and thought it was a golden opportunity and a good excuse to go into Si-chuan.So he ordered his senior general GUAN Yu to station guarding Jin-zhou,and he himself commanded a troop of about 10,000 soldiers advancing on Yi-zhou.

Then LIU Zhang appointed LIU Bei as Grand General and proclaimed oneself as the General Governor of Yi-zhou.One day,LIU Bei got the news from Jin-zhou that CAO Cao commanded his troops to invade the Wu Kingdom of the SUN Quan Group in the south.LIU Bei asked LIU Zhang to offer help to defend the attack of CAO Cao in army and supplies.But LIU Zhang worried the safety of Yi-zhou,so he agreed to send only 3,000 soldiers to Jin-zhou for assistant defense.

LIU Bei was enraged by LIU Zhang's selfishness and non-cooperation attitude.So he decided to declare a war against the LIU Zhang Group,he soon captured the capital city in Si-chuan and completely control the area of Si-chuan.

In this story,LIU Bei survived by making use of the“dead body” of LIU Zhang,LIU Zhang had played the springboard for LIU Bei's success in founding the Sichuanbased Shu Kingdom.

【Implied Meaning】 It originally means that those who believe in superstition think the soul of a dean person can revive by means of borrowing the body of others.Now it is often used to refer to the reappearance of those extinct matters or phenomena by way of a new form or style.



