

26.金蝉脱壳jīn chán tuō qiào【出处】《三十六计》第二十一计:存其形[1],完其势...


jīn chán tuō qiào




To Tactfully Escape Unnoticed

26.To Tactfully Escape Unnoticed

【Idiomatic Story】 During the Three Kingdoms period,ZHU-GE Liang,the military counselor of the Shu Kingdom,had tried six times to occupy the area of the Central Plains of China,but all resulted in failure.ZHU-GE Liang died in his last attempt because of his illness attributed to his overwork.

In order to secure a safe retreat to Han-zhong,ZHU-GE Liang told his successor General JIANG Wei secretly about the way to avoid the attacks from the enemy.JIANG Wei followed ZHU-GE Liang's instruction and strictly kept the news of ZHU-GE Liang's death in the dark.He commanded his troops to retreat secretly with ZHU-GE Liang's coffin hidden in the orderly procession.

The opponent troops of the Wei Kingdom detected the retreat activity of the Shu troops.The commander SI-MA Yi of the Wei troops ordered to follow the Shu troops.JIANG Wei had instructed his men to sculpture a wooden figure of ZHU-GE Liang before they began their retreat.The sculptured figure was a lifelike statue of ZHU-GE Liang sitting on a chair with a feather fan in hand.

On the way of retreating,JIANG Wei instructed his subordinate officer YANG Yi to command his men pretending to launch attack onto the Wei troops.The Wei troops worried to be trapped and dared not to take any action recklessly when they saw the orderly and undisguised retreating procession of the Shu troops with ZHU-GE Liang calmly sitting in the chair from the distance.

The commander SI-MA Yi of the Wei troops knew the crafty ZHU-GE Liang well.He believed it was another trapping trick by the undisguised retreating.So he ordered his troops to withdraw and kept a close watch on the Shu troops.

JIANG Wei made good use of the chance of the withdrawing of the Wei troops.He ordered his soldiers to speed the act of retreating,and they finally reached Hanzhong safely.

It was too late for SI-MA Yi to chase and attack the Shu troops when he learned the news about ZHU-GE Liang's death.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means a cicada casts its coat before it becomes mature,it breaks away with its physical body safely and leaves its exuviated skin in its place.Now it is often used to refer to the secret withdrawing action to get away from the precarious situation by keeping its previous state in appearance in order not to be detected by the enemy or opponents.




