

29.礼贤①下②士③lǐ xián xià shì①贤:贤士,指有美德、有才干的人。②下:谦居于别人之下,以示对人的尊敬。③士:旧指有知识有学问的人。【出处】《新唐书·李勉传》:“其在朝廷,鲠亮谦介,为宗臣表,礼贤下士有始终,尝引李巡、张参在幕府。”《宋书·江夏王义恭传》:“礼贤下士,圣人垂训;骄侈矜尚,先哲所去。”【成语故事】战国时期,中原形成了七个实力最...


lǐ xián xià shì







To Respect and Favor the Talents

29.To Respect and Favor the Talents

【Idiomatic Story】During the Warring States period,there formed seven State Kingdoms in the Central Plains area of the ancient China,including the Qi State,the Chu State,the Yan State,the Han State,the Zhao State,the Wei State and the Qin State.They were known as the “Seven Powers of the Warring States Period” in history.

In 314 BC,the Yan State was almost extinct in the wars with the Qi State.In such a critical moment,the King Zhaowang of the Yan State succeeded to the throne.Then the king made up his mind to revitalize the Yan State and he knew the key was to attract and accept talents.

In order to attract more talents to the Yan State,the King Zhao-wang of the Yan State appointed the capable statesman and consultant GUO Kui as Prime Minister,and he instructed to establish the talents-seeking bureau and build the Gold Showing Stage in Yi-shui to attract capable men with talence.

Not long after the news being released,various scholars and martial talents from different places came to the Gold Showing Stage to show their capabilities and competences.

In such a way,the King Zhao-wang of the Yan State had attracted and admitted many talents to serve for him and his State.The Yan State gradually grew into a powerful and influential State with the development of about two decades.

In 284 BC,the King Zhao-wang of the Yan State appointed YUE Yi as the General to command troops for attacking the Qi State by joining hands with other four States,including the Chu State,the Han State,the Zhao State,and the Wei State.

YUE Yi commanded the allied forces of the five States to launch a large attack onto the Qi State.They captured over 70 cities of the Qi State successively.The Qi State was completely defeated.The King Min-wang of the Qi State escaped in panic,but he was killed on the way of escaping by the soldiers of the Chu troops.The Yan State had taken its revenge on the Qi State for being bullied and humiliated before.From then on,the Yan State became much stronger and more powerful.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means that the emperor or high officials humble themselves to show their friendliness and favor towards the talents for fully exerting the competence and potential abilities of the talents.Now it is often used to refer to those gentlemen or gentlewomen showing their respect and value towards the talents regardless their own social status.
