

23.擒贼擒王Qín zéi qín wáng【出处】《三十六计》第十八计:摧其坚[1],夺其魁...


Qín zéi qín wáng

【出处】《三十六计》第十八计:摧其坚[1],夺其魁[2],以解其体[3];龙战于野[4],其道穷也。唐代杜甫《前出塞》:“射人先射马,擒贼先擒王。” 清代李伯元《文明小史》:“所谓擒贼擒王,这就是办事的诀窍。”



To Defeat the Enemy by Capturing the Ringleader First

23.To Defeat the Enemy by Capturing the Ringleader First

【Idiomatic Story】In the years of An-Shi Rebellion wars of the Tang Dynasty,AN Lu-shan became increasingly powerful in the military strength.He won the battles one after another and thus it led to the growth of his arrogance.Once AN Lu-shan ordered his subordinate officer YING Zi-qi to attack Sui-yang with a troop of about 100,000 men.At that time,Sui-yang was under the guard of ZHANG Xun,the general of the Tang Empire.Facing the knockdown-and-dragout attack of the enemy,ZHANG Xun made up his mind to maintain the city of Sui-yang.

YING Zi-qi had organized more than twenty attacks onto the Sui-yang city,but he was beaten back by ZHANG Xun.YING Zi-qi had to withdraw his troops because he found his soldiers were almost exhausted.At that night,there suddenly came the aggregative drumming sounds from the city of Sui-yang when YING Zi-qi and his troops prepared to rest.YING Zi-qi immediately ordered his troops to make preparation for meeting the enemy.However,they found ZHANG Xun and his garrison troops did not rush out of the city,but the aggregative drumming sounds could be heard now and then.It seemed a sudden charge would be done but the city gate kept closed.

YING Zi-qi and his troops were troubled by the aggregative drumming all night long without any relaxation.Many soldiers could not help felling asleep on the ground.Suddenly there came the sound of a Cannon,ZHANG Xun commanded his soldiers charged out from the city for the camps of the enemy.The soldiers of YING Zi-qi were shocked awake and the whole camp became confused in a short time.ZHANG Xun killed about 50 generals and officers successively.The enemy became disordered.ZHANG Xun ordered to capture the commander YING Zi-qi alive,but they had not seen YING Zi-qi before.How could they found YING Zi-qi? An idea came to ZHANG Xun.He ordered his men to make arrows with the sharpened straws,and shot them onto the enemy soldiers.When the enemy soldiers found they were not hurt by the straw arrows,they became excited because they thought the troops of ZHANG Xun must have run out of arrows.So they were eagerly to report YING Zi-qi about the news.ZHANG Xun soon detected and spotted the commander YING Zi-qi through this way.He ordered his sharpshooter named NAN Ji-yun to shoot at YING Zi-qi,and YING Zi-qi was hit on his left eye.Startled into a panic,YING Zi-qi escaped from the disordered situation.The enemy were completely defeated and scattered in all directions.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means to make an impressive display of power or tense atmosphere in order to consume the physical energy of the enemy and to make them off guard,then launch a raid to capture or kill the ringleader for producing the disorder and leading to the final failure of the enemy.Now it is used to refer to grasping the essential and key factors of the problem to make it solved easily.





