

22.树上开花shù shàng kāi huā【出处】《三十六计》第二十九计:借局布势,力小势大;鸿[1]渐...


shù shàng kāi huā

【出处】《三十六计》第二十九计:借局布势,力小势大;鸿[1][2]于陆,其羽可用为仪[3]也。清代李宝嘉《官场现形记》第17 回:“这件事参出去,胡统领一面,多少总可以生法,还可以‘树上开花’,不过借我们这点,当做药线,好处在后头。”清代曾朴《孽海花》第二十二回:“兄弟原只带了十二万银子进京,后来添出六万,力量本来就不济的了。亏了永丰庄肯担承这宗款子,虽觉得累点儿,那么树上开花,到底儿总有结果。”



Taking Advantage to Show Power

22.To Take Advantage to Show Power

【Idiomatic Story】 In the Three Kingdoms period,the King of the Shu Kingdom LIU Bei had a senior general named ZHANG Fei who was famous for his bravery and ingenuity.In the first confronting wars with CAO Cao who was the King of the Wei Kingdom,LIU Bei had been defeated.After LIU Biao's death,LIU Bei lost his supports from cooperating partner to become weaker when he and his army stationed in Jin-zhou.

Just then,CAO Cao commanded his troops to attack LIU Bei,and LIU Bei was forced to retreat to Jiang-ling with a large number of local people which resulted in slow action of the retreat.Unfortunately,the pursuing troops of the Wei Kingdom caught up with them in Dang-yang,LIU Bei was defeated again,and LIU Bei's wives and son had been dispersed in the confused situation.LIU Bei had no choice but to command his troops with the local people going on their retreat without his wives and son,and he ordered general ZHANG Fei to give cover and block the troops of the Wei Kingdom.

ZHANG Fei was left with about twenty cavalrymen to carry on the mission.How could he block the large troops of the Wei Kingdom? At such a situation,ZHANG Fei kept calm and then a fresh idea flashed upon his mind.He immediately ordered his soldiers to go to the nearby woods to cut down many branches from the trees,fasten them onto the tails of their horses,and then speed their horses in the woods to raise dust.ZHANG Fei himself stood riding on his Black Horse at the end of the Chang-ban-po Bridge with a lance in hand.

When the pursuing troops of the Wei Kingdom reached the Chang-ban-po Bridge,they found only ZHANG Fei himself stood awfully riding on his horse at the end of the bridge with a lance in hand and saw the heavy dust in the woods.They worried to fall into an ambush,so they dared not to go any further hastily.

In such a way,ZHANG Fei successfully stopped the large pursuing troops of the Wei Kingdom with his twenty cavalrymen.They successfully covered the large number of soldiers and local people to retreat.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means to put the artificial flowers on the tree to make it confused or undistinguishable.In military strategy it often refers to pretending to be powerful by taking advantage of some other factors to deter the enemy.Now it also means to get profits and unexpected harvest for an investment.




