

16.顺手牵羊shùn shǒu qiān yáng【出处】《三十六计》第十二计:微隙[1]在所必乘,微利在所必得。少阴,少阳...


shùn shǒu qiān yáng

【出处】《三十六计》第十二计:微隙[1]在所必乘,微利在所必得。少阴,少阳[2]。《 黄绣球》第三回:“这一天见来的很是不少,黄通理更代为踌躇,怕的是越来越多,容不下去,而且难免有趁火打劫,顺手牵羊的事。”元代尚仲贤《单鞭夺槊》第二折:“是我把右手带住马,左手揪着他眼扎毛,顺手牵羊一般牵他回来了。”



To Gain the Handy Benefit

16.To Gain the Handy Benefit

【Idiomatic Story】In the first year of Emperor Gao-zhu in the Han Dynasty,the Emperor LIU Bang decided to fall back upon Han-zhong so as to avoid the confrontation with the crack troops of XIANG Yu.Then XIANG Yu self-proclaimed as the Overlord of Western Chu.In the following years,XIANG Yu munificently favored his loyal followers,and some virtuous talents were supplanted.One general officer named TIAN Rong who was not the loyal follower had not been put in an important position,and he had not shared the privileges as the Lord and peerage.

That injustice caused complaints and resentments of TIAN Rong and drove him to revolt against XIANG Yu.He proclaimed himself as the Lord after successfully driving the Qi Lord TIAN Du away and killing the Jiao-dong Lord.Then he joined hands with PENG Yue and killed the Ji-bei Lord TIAN An.

XIANG Yu was enraged when he got the news of TIAN Rong's revolt,so he commanded a large army to attack TIAN Rong.XIANG Yu had launched a full-scale attack on TIAN Rong in order to wipe out TIAN Rong and his troops at one stroke.

When LIU Bang got the news,he ordered General HAN Xin command troops to rapidly take XIANG Yu's dependencies in San-qin by the chance of XIANG Yu having no time to attend to them.LIU Bang took advantage of the favorable situation to expand his sphere,power and influence.It had seriously weakened the power and influence of XIANG Yu and had firmly grounded for the unification of the country and the foundation of the Han Dynasty by completely defeating XIANG Yu at last.

【Implied Meaning】 It originally means to take the sheep away incidentally when one finds it is out of the control of its owner.It is often used to refer to getting unexpected benefits or gaining something with a little effort by taking the advantageous chance.



