

9.偷梁换柱tōu liáng huàn zhù【出处】《三十六计》第二十五计:频更其阵,抽其劲旅,待其自败,而后乘之,曳[1]其轮...


tōu liáng huàn zhù




A Secret Business Deal

9.A Secret Business Deal

【Idiomatic Story】Emperor Qin-Shi-Huang had not selected crown prince from his sons since he founded the Qin Dynasty,because he thought he was still very vigorous and healthy.But two political groups had formed,one was the MENG Party for the eldest prince Fu-su,the other was the ZHAO Party for the youngest prince Hu-hai.Between the two princes,the eldest prince Fu-su had earned his fame and reputation from both officials and common people by his honesty and decency.He was arranged by Emperor Qin-Shi-Huang to undertake training under the famous General MENG Tian as the future successor of the throne.However,the youngest prince Hu-hai could do nothing but to seek pleasures,because he had been spoiled by the excessive favors and abetment of the royal eunuch ZHAO Gao.

In 210 BC,Emperor Qin-Shi-Huang fell ill.And he knew that his days were to be numbered,so he called in the Prime Minister LI Si urgently to instruct him to convey the secret imperial edict for selecting the eldest prince Fusu as the crown prince.At that time,ZHAO Gao was in charge of writing the imperial decrees and keeping the imperial seal.Therefore,ZHAO Gao knew it was a good chance to achieve his ambition,so he detained the imperial edict for the right moment.

A few days later,Emperor Qin-Shi-Huang died.The Prime Minister LI Si intentionally delayed to release the news,because he worried that something must happen before prince Fu-su came back.When ZHAO Gao learned the reason that LI Si kept the news of Emperor Qin-Shi-Huang's death in the dark,he went to meet LI Si,and said,“I haven't publicly announced the imperial edict.Now you and I can make the final decision for the selected crown prince.” Finding the hesitation of LI Si,ZHAO Gao began to illustrate the interests for him,and said,“If prince Fu-su has succeed the throne,he will put MENG Tian in an important position,can you still keep to your position as the Prime Minister then?” LI Si was completely persuaded by what ZHAO Gao said,so he joined to make a false imperial edict with ZHAO Gao.They crowned prince Hu-hai the king.and ordered prince Fu-su to commit suicide and put MENG Tian to death at last.They had laid the first stone for the downfall of the Qin Dynasty.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means to change the supporting beams and pillars secretly with the shoddy supporters.Now it often used to refer to the substitution with the fake or poor ones secretly for deception to achieve the expected effects.



