

4.无中生有wú zhōng shēng yǒu【出处】《三十六计》第七计:诳[1]也,非诳也,实其所诳也。少阴、太阴、太阳...


wú zhōng shēng yǒu




To Make It Believed True

4.To Make It Believed True

【Idiomatic Story】 During the AN Lu-shan[3]Rebellion War period in the Tang Dynasty,many local officials betrayed the royal government to seek shelter from AN Lu-shan.However,there was a general named ZHANG Xun who was unwilling to follow them to go over to AN Lu-shan.At that time,ZHANG Xun held on to the city of Yongqiu for the royal government with about three thousand soldiers.AN Lu-shan sent his General LING-HU Chao to attack Yongqiu city with 40,000 soldiers.Obviously,ZHANG Xun had an absolute disadvantage in terms of relative military strength.What's more,the arrows as the defensive weapons were almost run out.They could not produce enough arrows to meet the needs at a very short time.But they could not resist the enemy if they hadn't enough arrows.At this time,a familiar story came to ZHANG Xun about ZHU-GE Liang who successfully borrowed arrows with the thatched men placed on the both sides of the warships in the Three Kingdoms period.Therefore,ZHANG Xun immediately ordered his soldiers to collect straws and made them into about 1,000 thatched men.Then those thatched men were dressed with black coats.ZHANG Xun ordered his men to lower down those dressed thatched men with ropes from the city wall in the dark night.When LING-HU Chao got the news,he took it as the sneak attack of ZHANG Xun's troops,so he ordered his sddiers to shoot arrows at once.In this way,ZHANG Xun had got about 100,000 arrows easily.LING-HU Chao felt annoyed when he found it was a trick the next morning.

ZHANG Xun again ordered his men to lower down those dressed thatched men from the city wall in the following dark night.The enemy began to ignore the action because they believed it was a trick again.ZHANG Xun found the enemy was off their guard,so he decided to lower down 500 brave soldiers secretly so that they could go into the enemy's camps quietly in the dark night.Under the sudden attack,LING-HU Chao and his troops were in panic.ZHANG Xun seized the opportunity to lead his men launching a powerful attack.LING-HU Chao suffered a defeat and fled with his men in confusion.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means that people often believe the invisible matter is non-exist,or believe the matters do not exist because they can not see them.If it is said to be existing,they will believe it does exist.It is often used to refer to those deceiving actions for the enemy or opponent with false things to lead them to wrong judgment and actions.Now it also means to create groundless rumors to make it believed true.




[3]AN Lu-shan:one of the founders of setting up a separatist regime by force of arms and became an influential military governor in Tang Dynasty.
