

7.笑里藏刀xiào lǐ cáng dāo【出处】《三十六计》第十计:信而安之,阴以图之,备而后动,勿使有变,刚中柔外也。《旧唐书·李义府传》:“义府貌状温恭,与人语必嬉怡微笑,而褊忌阴贼。既处要权,欲人附己,微忤意者,辄加倾陷。故时人言义府笑中有刀。”【成语故事】三国时期,由于荆州的地理位置十分重要,它常常成为兵家相互争夺的地方。公元217年,关羽带领军...


xiào lǐ cáng dāo




Velvet Paws Hide Sharp Claws

7.Velvet Paws Hide Sharp Claws

【Idiomatic Story】 During the Three Kingdoms period,Jingzhou became a very important strategic area due to its geographic location.But it was under the control of the Shu Kingdom.In 217AD,GUAN Yu,a general of the Shu Kingdom,was ordered to station in Jingzhou for the guarding affairs.The King of the Wu Kingdom SUN Quan always wanted to take Jingzhou from the Shu Kingdom,and he had been waiting for the best opportunity.

After a period of time,GUAN Yu captained his troops to launch an attack on Fancheng which was under the control of the Wei Kingdom.But he kept sufficient forces to guard Jingzhou for the unexpected situation.At that time,there was a general named LV Meng in the Wu Kingdom,he thought it was the best chance to capture Jingzhou.So he recommended a little-known young man named LU Xun to the King of the Wu Kingdom as the leading general because he couldn't command the armed force himself for his sickness.

After taking the post,LU Xun kept good relations with GUAN Yu outwardly,but he prepared for the confronting war inwardly.On a fine day,LU Xun went to visit GUAN Yu with some gifts.When he saw GUAN Yu,with friendly smiles wearing on the face,LU Xun exerted every effort to praise GUAN Yu for his military talents and experience,and he also tried his best to belittle himself.He told GUAN Yu he was a freshman for the military affairs.

GUAN Yu felt overconfidently pleased when he heard what LU Xun said.So he thought LU Xun would bring no danger to Jingzhou.Therefore he decided to send more soldiers to attack Fancheng whole-heartedly.

Not long,LV Meng had recovered from sickness.He led his elite forces who had been hidden in the warships which looked like merchant ships from outside to approach Jingzhou secretly.Then they launched a sudden attack onto the guarding soldiers of the Shu Kingdom and finally captured the city Jingzhou.When GUAN Yu got the news,he led the troops to return to Jingzhou for a help.But it was too late,the die had been cast.

【Implied Meaning】It originally refers those who always treat others politely and friendly with smiles wearing on the in face,but actually concealed their evil motives.Now it is often used to refer to those who pretend to befriend with others but with menacing intentions indeed.
