

14.以逸待劳yǐ yì dài láo【出处】《三十六计》第四计:困敌之势,不以战,损刚益柔[1]。《孙子·军争》:“以近待远,以佚(逸)待劳,以饱待饥,此治力者也。”《三国演义》第五十回:“若是我用兵时,就这个去处,也埋伏一彪军马,以逸待劳。”...


yǐ yì dài láo




To Wait for the Expeditionary Enemy at Ease

14.To Wait for the Expeditionary Enemy at Ease

【Idiomatic Story】 During the last years of the Western Han Dynasty,there was a warlord named KUI Xiao.He left Emperor LIU Xiu who had just founded the Eastern Han Dynasty to seek shelter from GONG-SUN Shu who had proclaimed himself emperor in Si-chuan.That had infuriated LIU Xiu,so LIU Xiu sent troops to attack KUI Xiao but ended in failure.Then General FENG Yi was appointed as the commander by LIU Xiu to lead troops to capture the city Gou-yi in Sichuan.Upon getting the news,KUI Xiao quickly ordered one of his inferior officers named XING Xun to take up the favorable strategic places of Gouyi in advance.

When the news was delivered to General FENG Yi,many of his inferior officers proposed FENG Yi to avoid the head-on confrontation with XING Xun's troops.But FENG Yi ignored the proposals and said resolutely to them,“We must take up the favorable strategic places of Gou-yi in advance to wait for the coming enemy,and destroy them completely at last.” Then he issued an order to march on hastily for Gou-yi.Finally they reached Gou-yi before XING Xun and his troops.FENG Yi instructed and arranged to strictly block the passage of message,keep the gate closed,stop all the military action and make the officers and soldiers take a good rest.

When XING Xun and his troops reached Gou-yi,they found many banners of the Han Army flying on the top of the city wall.Then they heard a loud voice of firing a gun as the signal,the Han Army launched a sudden attack onto them.Without any preparation,XING Xun and his troops were soon defeated.At this time,FENG Yi commanded the Han Army charged out from the gate,XING Xun's troops escaped in disorder.FENG Yi had finally won the victory by waiting for the expeditionary enemy at ease.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means to reserve oneself and avoid the predatory enemy or opponent by acting on the defensive to consume their energy and patience.The attack on the enemy or opponent will be launched at the shinning hour to win the game.Now it is often used to refer to someone who tries his best to avoid the aggressive situation of his enemy or opponent and seizes the initiative to launch an attack for the final victory.


