

20.远交近攻yuǎn jiāo jìn gōng【出处】《三十六计》第二十三计:形禁势格[1],利以近取。害以远隔,上火下泽...


yuǎn jiāo jìn gōng




To Befriend to the Distant for Isolating the Neighboring

20.To Befriend to the Distant for Isolating the Neighboring

【Idiomatic Story】 During the last years of the Warring States period,all the Seven Warring States,including the Qi State,the Chu State,the Yan State,the Han State,the Zhao State,the Wei State and the Qin State,were competing with one another for being the most powerful state.Thanks to the Shang-yang Reform,the Qin State developed strikingly among the seven States.King Zhao-wang of the Qin State planned to secure the over-lordship and take over the other six States at last.

In 270 BC,King Zhao-wang of the Qin State had made full preparation for the military invasion onto the Qi State primarily.Before taking action,one chancellor named FAN Sui proposed some tactical arrangements for King Zhaowang.He said to the King,“The Qi State is a great power among the six States and it is at a far distance from our State.If we launch an attack onto the Qi State,we should pass the Han State and the Wei State.We are not sure for the victory if we send a small troop for the mission.But if we send a large troop for the mission,we still can not fully control the Qi State with the Han State and the Wei State between our two States even if we have won the war.Taking these into consideration,we should occupy the neighboring Han State and the Wei State primarily,and we can attempt to capture the Qi State later.”

King Zhao-wang approved the proposal offered by FAN Sui,and he sent emissary to the Qi State for establishing the good mutual relation ahead of the Han State and the Wei State.In the following decade,King Zhao-wang followed the same policy to foster cordial relations with the distant Chu State.Then King Zhao-wang launched an attack onto the Wei State and finally captured it.And the Zhao State and the Yan State were defeated successively in the following years and the unification of the north of China was completed.Then the Chu State was defeated for stabilizing the south of China.And the Qi State was finally conquered.

Thanks to the policy of “To Befriend to the Distant for Isolating the Neighboring”,the Qin State successfully achieved the unification of China by gobbling up the six States one after another in over ten years.

【Implied Meaning】It originally means to establish a good relationship with the distant countries to ensure no alliance made between them.So when the attack was launched onto the neighboring countries,there would be no hindrance.Now it is often used to refer to the strategies or ways in dealing with interpersonal relationship.



